Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chicago, IL

or more like "Chica-GOD I LOVE YA!"

Spent the day walking around searching for inspiration in unusual places with Manuel. He happens to be one of my most inspired and inspiring friends. Not only do I have the most fun, but I also feel like my creativity level is heightened on spelunking adventures. Go read his blog Dear Diary.

I also spent a day with Manuels significant other Colt. Went to Millenium Park and saw the sculputres.

If you know anything about me, you know the importance of this ravishing sports car.

And I chanced upon a young lady named Leslie Hall, a champion Gem Sweater Crafter and Spandex Enthusiast. This is not a joke, moreover it is rib-ticklingly amusing. Check her videos out on youtube, but this one is my favorite


  1. allie! that was such a sweet comment you left about me! i really appreciate it and i also wanted to say thanks for coming to chicago! it was tons of fun!


  2. where have you been all my life?
