Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rest in Peace

The last couple of days have been pretty hectic. I will be posting more on Charleston, SC when I have a little bit of time to collect my thoughts. The past few days have been covered with a blanket of sadness and shock for Jen and myself as we found out on the drive from North Carolina to South Carolina that a friend of ours from High School took his own life on Wednesday night. We have been pretty shocked by this news, and have been thinking a lot about Noah, and the time we had with him in this life. I hope that he has found peace and that he knows that he will be sorely missed by so many.

South of the Border, Dillon, South Carolina
This place is just something you have to stop in at and awe in the disgust of once in your life. It is a roadside attraction off of I-95 just on the South Carolina and North Carolina borders. I remember as kid driving to Florida being so thrilled by the hundreds of billboards strategically place starting about 200 miles in anticipation of this place. They were sparkly, they were colorful, they knew how to rope the kids in... One billboard says "Keep Yelling, Kids! They'll Stop!" Yeah, they'll stop, about 50 miles before you get there and take off leaving you in a cloud of dust on the side of the highway. I am only sort of speaking from experience.

I have to admit that the last time I drove i-95 South, in about 2001, the signage was much more obnoxious and neon. They must have tamed down their billboards in the past few years and it wasn't quite as impressive. I don't suggest eating anything there unless you aren't afraid of tapeworms.

So of course, we stopped.

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